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5 Glute Stretches (Tight Hips)

WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS STRETCH ? These Exercise Provide a great Stretch for - A - Glute max, B - Glute Medius C - Piriformis.

🔺SAVE IT FOR LATER🔺 Following are the 5 Stretches - 1 - Pigeon Pose 0:19 sec 2 - Figure 4 2:03 Min 3 - Gomukhasana Variation - Cow face Pose 4:04 Min 4 - Sukhasana Variation ( Seated Posture ) 5:55 Min 5 - Chair Stretch 7:50 Min 🔺Benefits If you have long sitting or working hours or you are a sport person - Cycling, running, Boxing, BJJ, MMA, Yoga, etc These stretches works wonders for everyone. ➡ Relieve tightness and tension. ➡ Increase your flexibility & Range Of Motion (ROM). ➡ Reduce your risk for injury. 🔺 For best results try to train them at least 4-5 times a week. ➡ 4 round & 4 sets of Every Exercise. ➡ Hold for 30 seconds.

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